Do you teach any adult students? Personally, I really enjoy teaching adult students. Adult lessons have a different atmosphere from average lessons and add nice variety to my week. I’ve found that it’s helpful to give adult students a chance to get to know other adults who are studying piano. If you don’t find ways to get them together they may never know another adult who is learning piano, and that’s pretty lonely!
Over the last semester my colleagues and I have started having get-togethers for our adult students. I teach in a studio with several other teachers and we have a space large enough for these gatherings. At each gathering we’ve provided light hors d’oeuvres and drinks. The students have a chance to socialize together and also perform pieces for each other. Having food to munch on makes it feel a little less formal than a recital and takes off some of the pressure. We also invite adults to just come watch if they don’t feel like playing anything yet. These gatherings have really been enjoyable afternoons at the studio. See for yourself! Here’s some photos from our last gathering in December:
Author: Spring
Spring Seals, NCTM, teaches 60 piano students ranging from age 3 to 70 in Fort Worth, Texas. She also serves as the Director of Certification for TMTA. She is passionate about helping teachers become more effective in their studios through professional development, new resources, and fresh ideas.