Great pedagogy Saturday today. We took a few pictures, wrote down lots of notes, but as Robert Duke told us, our real learning won’t happen in these lectures. It will happen as we go home and use this knowledge, really worth with it to become better teachers, practicers, and listeners.
Here on 4d piano teaching, we wanted to share our favorite points from each day so I’m starting!


Pete Jutras spoke on teaching Generation Z with interesting facts about their screen habits and attention spans. He shared tips to use this data to help us capture their interest more and I’m still mulling over his point that having an iPad in my studio as exciting as a ballpoint pen to these young students. IPL be brainstorming about how to encourage creativity and innovate constantly in my studio.
I attended a few sessions today with Robert Duke, loved his comment that “Every human being should experience something beautiful every day”. I need to remember to do this, even on busy busy days with two kids and my job! There is so much beauty in this world that I forget to notice sometimes.
The music learning theory track had a neat presentation from Hsing-ay Hsu, reminding us to use theory and ear training to enhance performance. She shared great tips for teaching with colors, descriptions, comparisons, and more.
Looking forward to another great day tomorrow! Can’t wait to meet more teachers from around the US and hear from awesome presenters.

Author: Whitney

Whitney Hawker, NCTM, teaches group and private piano at Weber State University, Utah. She loves surprising students with the perfect piece or a new exciting game! After graduate school, she missed sharing ideas and resources daily with colleagues so she and her friend, Spring, began blogging together at