Oh the joys of last minute practicing before recitals. Doesn’t every teacher have a few who wait till that last week to really buckle down and practice their performance piece(s) no matter how far in advance you tried to prepare them? And sometimes it works… sometimes it doesn’t… But today’s post is not about that, it’s about anticipating the after recital break from practice. Every teacher knows the feeling seeing the list of assignments you give them that don’t get done over the break… Today I wanted to share a simple motivational tool I’m using in my studio over the winter break.
Now our break is quite long – 6 weeks, since I’m about to have a new baby. But yours will probably be a lot shorter so adapt the prizes accordingly. Each student was given the attached pdf with instructions. Emails were sent out to parents to update them on the studio challenge and ask for their encouragement at home. Now all that’s left is for me to start collecting some awesome prizes… Any ideas for great prizes, besides candy?
Author: Whitney
Whitney Hawker, NCTM, teaches group and private piano at Weber State University, Utah. She loves surprising students with the perfect piece or a new exciting game! After graduate school, she missed sharing ideas and resources daily with colleagues so she and her friend, Spring, began blogging together at 4DPianoTeaching.com