Welcome back for another Tuesday teaching tactic. Today we want to ask you to think about your last five or ten lessons taught. Think about the activities and pieces you covered… How often did you get off the bench? Did you play a game on the floor? Pull out some of rhythm cards to clap and hop to while counting out loud? Stand up and make that teen student dance the waltz steps?

There are so many ways to internalize what we’re teaching away from the keys. So today your challenge is to remember to get off the bench. With students young and old, find a way to stand up and do something away from the keys even for just a few seconds. Enjoy your teaching day!

Author: Whitney

Whitney Hawker, NCTM, teaches group and private piano at Weber State University, Utah. She loves surprising students with the perfect piece or a new exciting game! After graduate school, she missed sharing ideas and resources daily with colleagues so she and her friend, Spring, began blogging together at 4DPianoTeaching.com