This week is week 3 for my students doing online lessons and so far, I think things are improving! I’m feeling more energy and connection in lessons. We’re getting used to the technology – although one students’ phone did keep sliding down… over and over the entire lesson… Maybe I need to send them a link for a simple phone holder to set up during lessons? Ha ha, but overall things are going well.
This week I’ve been gathering resources and ideas to share with students. I’m not sure how long our stay home mandates will be going for. Could be a few more weeks. Or months… So today I wanted to share a bunch of the ideas I’ve collected in a Google Drive. Click this link to view what I’ve found.
I’m hoping to introduce a new game or activity every week or every other week. For example, I LOVED this website I found when researching – Chrome Music Lab. In my weekly newsletter to parents I’ll be sending this as a fun thing to check out! Then during lessons, I’ll add a 5 minute exploration assignment to Chrome Music Lab to their Tonara assignment sheet. I’m sure many siblings at home will enjoy it as well.
If some programs work really well and students like them, we’ll continue coming back to them. Theory and rhythm resources are something I’m always trying to work into lessons so I’m excited to check out a few new links I’d never heard of before!
If you have any other online resources you love, please send them my way! Let’s get a nice long list of COVID resources going for everyone to share.
And in case you’re not comfortable with Google Drive, I’ve added the first draft of the list below!
Online Resources | Link | Info | Category |
Noteflight Learn | noteflight.com | Free to all through June 30th | Notation |
Sightreading Factory | https://www.sightreadingfactory.com/ | Free student accounts to schools closed for COVID | Sight Reading |
MusicTheory.Net | www.musictheory.net | Free all the time, exercises and lessons | Theory |
Audacity | www.audacityteam.org | Free, downloadable recording audio software. | Recording |
Chrome Music Lab | https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/ | Website with exploratory activities, general music making | General Music |
SmartMusic | www.smartmusic.com | Free student accounts to schools closed for COVID | Notation |
Incredibox | www.incredibox.com | Audio & visual music maker | Notation |
Making Music Fun | www.makingmusicfun.net | Free account for teachers, theory & activity pages | Theory |
Little Kids Rock “JamZone” | http://jamzone.littlekidsrock.org/ | Free lessons for making music (mainly vocal) | General Music |
Rhythm Trainer | therhythmtrainer.com | Rhythm Dictation Practice | Rhythm |
Kahoot | kahoot.com | Create or search already made games or trivia quiz | App |
Music Play | www.musicplayonline.com | Elementary Level, lots of rhythm & other music games | Rhythm, General Music |
Quizizz | https://quizizz.com | Online quiz games in various subject areas. | App |
Two Minute Music Theory | https://www.youtube.com/user/the1564studios/playlists | YouTube Channel with short theory lessons | Theory |
uTheory.com | utheory.com | Online theory, rhythm & ear training (Free during COVID) | Theory |
Music Tech Teacher | www.musicteachteacher.com | Theory game resource (music mazes!) | Theory |
Music Theory Practice | www.music-theory-practice.com | Theory flashcards & lessons | Theory |
Groove Pizza | https://apps.musedlab.org/groovepizza/? | Rhythm/Polyrhythm beats (teens would love this) | Rhythm |
Band Lab | www.bandlab.com | Music production platform (reminds me of Garage Band) | App |
Early Music Sources | www.earlymusicsources.com | Database and youtube series for early music study | Research |